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Bachelor in Civil Engineering (BE Civil)

Course Structure
Year :  I Part :  I
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course   Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assessment     Marks Final Assesment     Marks Final
Duration    hours Marks Duaration    hours Marks
1 BSC411 Mathematics I 3 3 2 0 5 40 3 60 100
2 BSC412 Physics 4 4 1 2 7 40 3 60 25 125
3 BSC413 Basic Electrical and Electronics 3 3 1 2 6 40 3 60 25 125
4  BSC414 Engineering Mechanics 4 4 2 0 6 40 3 60 100
5 BCT415 Computer Programming 3 3 0 3 6 40 3 60 50 150
6 BCE416 Engineering Drawing 2 2 0 4 6 50 50
19 19 6 11 36 200 15 300 150 650
Year :  I Part :  II
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course   Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assesment     Marks Final Assesment     Marks Final
Duaration    hours Marks Duaration    hours Marks
1 BSC421 Mathematics II 3 3 2 0 5 40 3 60 100
2 BSC422 Chemistry 3 3 1 2 6 40 3 60 25 125
3 BSC423 Mechanics of Solids 3 3 1 1 5 40 3 60 25 125
4 BCE424 Construction Materials 2 2 0 1 3 20 1.5 30 25 75
5 BSC425 Engineering Geology 3 3 1 1 5 40 3 60 25 125
6 BSC426 Mechanics of Fluids 4 4 2 1 7 40 3 60 25 125
Total 18 18 7 6 31 220 16.5 330 125 675
Year :II Part :  I
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course   Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assessment     Marks Final Assessment     Marks Final
Duration    hours Marks Duration    hours Marks
1 BSC431 Mathematics III 3 3 2 0 5 40 3 60 100
2 BCE432 Structural Analysis I 4 4 2 1 7 40 3 60 25 125
3 BCE433 Building Technology 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 100
4 BCE434 Computer Aided Drawing 2 2 0 4 6 20 1.5 30 50 100
5 BCE435 Engineering Survey 3 3 1 6 10 40 3 60 50 150
6 BCE436 Hydraulics 4 4 2 1 7 40 3 60 25 125
Total 19 19 8 12 39 220 16.5 330 150 700
Year :II Part :  II
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course   Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assessment     Marks Final Assessment     Marks Final
Duration    hours Marks Duration    hours Marks
1 BSC441 Statistics and Research Methodology 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 100
2 BSC442 Numerical Methods 3 3 1 2 6 40 3 60 25 125
3 BCE443 Structural Analysis II 4 4 2 1 7 40 3 60 25 125
4 BCE444 Geotechnical Engineering I 3 3 1 2 6 40 3 60 25 125
5 BCE445 Water Supply Engineering 3 3 1 2 6 40 3 60 25 125
6 BCE446 Engineering Hydrology 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 100
Total 19 19 7 7 33 240 18 360 100 700
Year:III Part : I
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assessment     Marks Final Assessment     Marks Final
Duration    Hrs Marks Duration    Hrs Marks
1 BCE451 Concrete technology 2 2 0 2 4 20 1.5 30 25 75
2 BCE452 Design of Steel and Timber Structures 4 4 2 0 6 40 3 60 100
3 BCE453 Geotechnical Engineering II 3 3 1 2 6 40 3 60 25 125
4 BCE454 Transportation Engineering I 3 3 1 2 6 40 3 60 25 125
5 BCE455 Sanitary Engineering 3 3 1 1 5 40 3 60 25 125
6 BCE456 Water Resources Engineering I 4 4 2 0 6 40 3 60 100
Total 19 19 7 7 33 220 16.5 330 100 650
Year:III Part : II
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assessment     Marks Final Assessment     Marks Final
Duration    Hrs Marks Duration    Hrs Marks
1 BCE461 Design of Concrete Structures 4 4 2 2 8 40 3 60 25 125
2 BCE462 Transportation Engineering II 3 3 1 1 5 40 3 60 25 125
3 BCE463 Engineering Economics 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 100
4 BCE464 Professional Practices and Society 3 3 0 0 3 40 3 60 100
5 BCE465 Water Resources Engineering II 4 4 2 1 7 40 3 60 25 125
6 BCE466 Elective I 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 100
Total 20 20 7 4 31 240 18 360 75 675
Year:IV Part : I
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assessment     Marks Final Assessment     Marks Final
Duration    Hrs Marks Duration    Hrs Marks
1 BCE471 Earthquake Resistant Technology 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 100
2 BCE472 Project and Construction Engineering 4 4 2 0 6 40 3 60 100
3 BCE473 Sustainable Infrastructure Development 3 3 0 0 3 40 3 60 100
4 BCE474 Estimating and Valuation 3 3 2 0 5 40 3 60 100
5 BCE475 Elective II 3 3 1 0 4 40 3 60 100
6 BCE476 Engineering Project 6 0 0 9 9 100 50 150
Total 22 16 6 9 31 200 15 300 100 650
Year:IV Part : II
Teaching  Schedule Examination Scheme Total
SN Course Code Course Title Credits L T P Total Theory Practical
Assessment     Marks Final Assessment     Marks Final
Duration    Hrs Marks Duration    Hrs Marks
1 BCE481 Internship/Seminar 9 36 36 100 100 200
Total 9 0 0 36 36 100 100 200