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Bachelor in Information Technology (BIT)


The Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) is a comprehensive undergraduate degree program designed to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required in the field of Information Technology. This program focuses on equipping students with a strong foundation in theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to the design, development, management, and implementation of IT solutions. This program also focuses on the study of systemic approaches to select, develop, apply, integrate, and administer secure computing technologies to enable users to accomplish their personal, organizational, and societal goals. The BIT program is ideal for students passionate about technology and its applications in solving real-world problems. It opens doors to dynamic, high-demand careers in the IT sector and provides the tools needed to thrive in a tech-driven world.


The objectives of the BIT program are as follows:

  • Prepare students for successful careers in the IT industry by equipping them with technical, analytical, and managerial skills.
  • Equip students with a strong foundation in programming, networking, database management, and software development.
  • Enable proficiency in the use of modern IT tools, technologies, and frameworks.
  • Teach students to analyze complex problems and develop effective IT solutions.
  • Encourage innovative thinking and the application of technology to real-world challenges.
  • Provide hands-on training through lab sessions, internships, and projects to build job-ready skills.
  • Emphasize ethical practices, professional communication, and teamwork in IT project environments.
  • Expose students to the latest trends in IT and rapid evolution of technology.
  • Develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills for roles in IT management and innovation-driven startups.
  • Enable understanding of the societal and global impact of IT solutions.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate applying for admission to the BIT program must have

  • Completed twelve years of schooling or its equivalent by the Nepal Government.
  • Attained at least second division in the 10 + 2, PCL, or equivalent program, or received minimum D+ grade in each of the subjects in grades 11 and 12 with minimum CGPA of 1.80.
  • Completed all application requirements.
  • Obtained pass marks in the entrance examination taken from the University.

Duration and Total Credit Hours

  • Duration: The duration of the BIT program is 4 years, divided into 8 semesters.
  • Total Credit Hours: 124 credit hours

Instructional Techniques

The BIT program employs a student-centered learning approach. The program’s teaching methodology encompasses interactive lectures, student presentations, seminars, case studies, practical and project works. The faculty will identify the most appropriate instructional and educational methods for each course. Integrating technology and digital pedagogy is essential in the teaching-learning process, ensuring that students are adequately prepared for contemporary educational challenges.

Projects and Internship

Students are required to develop real world software application, utilizing their knowledge and skills in related areas. They will also develop a project report that contains the detail of development steps during project development.

Students are required to complete internship work in various companies and organizations that develop or use IT systems. Every student will work on actual projects during this time, gaining hands-on experience in their field. Students must write an individual project report outlining their work and contributions to the organization in the format specified. Internship report, depth of the work done and presentation of their findings will be considered for the evaluation of the internship.


The BIT program is intensive professional program and requires a high level of commitment. Students must attend all classes and presentations regularly. If a student misses more than 20% of classes, they will not be allowed to take the semester-end exams.


All the courses except project work and internship should be evaluated through internal evaluation and end-semester examination. The 40% of the overall weight will be assigned for internal evaluation and remaining 60% will be assigned for end-semester examination. The overall internal evaluation will be conducted by the subject teacher through internal examinations, different classroom activities, projects, field works, and seminars. The end-semester examination will be conducted by the University. The final grade and grade point in each course will be the sum of overall weightage of in all categories.

For the courses having laboratory work, 50% of the overall internal evaluation will be assigned for practical examination. The university will invite a subject expert for the evaluation of practical examination.

Project works and internship are evaluated by different evaluators. To pass these courses, students should secure minimum pass marks in the evaluation of each evaluator and the final grade and grade point will be the sum of all these evaluations. For the final evaluation, an external examiner will be assigned.

Grading System

The grade awarded to each student in each course is based on his/her overall performance through internal evaluation and end-semester examination. Several evaluation criteria are used for the continuous internal evaluation. External evaluation is solely based on final examination conducted by the University. The grade in each course is assigned using a letter grade that indicates the overall performance of each student in each course. Each letter grade has its corresponding grading scale, grade point, and performance remarks as shown in the table below.

Letter Grade Grading Scale Grade Point Performance Remarks
A 90 – 100 4 Outstanding
A- 80 – less than 90 3.7 Excellent
B+ 70 – less than 80 3.3 Very Good
B 60 – less than 70 3 Good
B- 50 – less than 60 2.7 Satisfactory
C 40 – less than 50 2.3 Pass
F 0 – less than 40 0 Fail

The performance of each student in each semester shall be evaluated in terms of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) which is the grade point average for the semester. SGPA is calculated as

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is the grade point average for all completed semesters. CGPA is calculated as

Curriculum Structure with 8 semester Course Cycle.

The BIT program is a four-year course divided into eight semesters. Each semester lasts 16 weeks and involves intensive study. The program covers 124 credit hours and includes different courses related to information technology, some interdisciplinary courses, project works, and internship.

Semester I
S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT411 Foundations of Information Technology 3
2 BIT412 Programming in C 3
3 BHS413 Mathematics 3
4 BIT414 Digital Logic 3
5 BHS415 Economics 3
Total Credit Hours 15
Semester II
S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT421 Object-oriented Programming 3
2 BIT422 Computer Architecture 3
3 BIT423 Discrete Structure 3
4 BHS424 Statistics 3
5 BHS425 Communication Skills 3
Total Credit Hours 15
Semester III
S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT431 Python Programming 3
2 BIT432 Data Structure and Algorithms 3
3 BIT433 Database Management System 3
4 BIT434 Web Technology 3
5 BHS435 Sociology 3
Total Credit Hours 15
Semester IV
S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT441 Operating System 3
2 BIT442 System Analysis and Design 3
3 BIT443 Advanced Web Technology 3
4 BIT444 Artificial Intelligence 3
5 BHS445 Technical Writing 3
6 BIT446 Project I 2
Total Credit Hours 17
Semester V
S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT451 Software Engineering and Project Management 3
2 BIT452 Mobile Application Development 3
3 BIT453 Database Administration 3
4 BIT454 .Net Technology 3
5 BMG455 Principles of Management 3
BIT306 Project II 2
Total Credit Hours 17
Semester VI
S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT461 Computer Network and Data Communication 3
2 BIT462 Information Security 3
3 BIT463 Network and System Administration 3
4 BIT464 Digital Governance 3
5 BHS465 Psychology 3
Total Credit Hours 15

Semester VII

S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT471 GIS and Remote Sensing 3
2 BIT472 Business Information Systems 3
3 BIT473 Machine Learning 3
4 BIT474 Major Project 3
5 Elective I 3
Total Credit Hours 15
List of Courses for Elective I
1 BIT475 Computer Graphics and Animation
2 BIT476 Internet of Things
3 BIT477 IT Entrepreneurship and Innovation
4 BIT478 Big Data Technologies
5 BIT479 Human Computer Interaction
6 BIT470 Emerging Technologies
Semester VIII
S.N. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 BIT481 E-Commerce and Digital Marketing 3
2 BIT482 Cloud Computing 3
3 BIT483 Internship 3
4 Elective II 3
5 Elective III 3
Total Credit Hours 15
List of Courses for Elective II & Elective III
BIT484 Cyber Security and Ethics
BIT485 Digital Economy
BIT486 Information System Auditing
BIT487 Game Development
BIT488 Natural Language Processing
BIT489 DevOps
BIT490 Computer Vision
BIT491 Data Warehousing and Data Mining
BIT492 Software Quality Assurance


BIT – IT course

BHS –social science course