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Call Us: +977-9855078254 - Mail Us: [email protected]

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Legislative Law (BALLB)

Proposed Syllabus for B.A. LLB, 5 Years Program


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1. BHS411 Nepali-I (Legal Nepali) Compulsory 3  




2. BHS412 Legal English-I Compulsory 3
3. BHS413 Political Science Compulsory 3
4. BHS414 History-I (Nepalese Legal history) Compulsory 3
5. BHS415 Sociology and Anthropology Compulsory 3
6. BHS416 Economics-I Compulsory 3
7. BLB417 Legal Theories Compulsory 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1. BHS421 Nepali-II (Legal Nepali) Compulsory 3  




2. BHS422 Legal English-II Compulsory 3
3. BHS423 Political Thought Compulsory 3
4. BHS424 History-II (English Legal history) Compulsory 3
5. BHS425 International Relation and Diplomacy Compulsory 3
6. BHS426 Economics-II Compulsory 3
7. BLB427 Jurisprudence (Schools & trends of jurisprudence) Compulsory 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1. BLB431 Constitutional Law Compulsory 3  




2. BLB432 Public International Law -I Compulsory 3
3. BLB433 General Principles of Criminal Law Compulsory 3
4. BLB434 Evidence Law Compulsory 3
5. BLB435 Property Law Compulsory 3
6. BLB436 Family Law Compulsory 3
7. BLB437 Theories of Crime and Punishment Compulsory 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1. BLB441 Nepalese constitutions Compulsory 3  




2. BLB442 Public International Law -II Compulsory 3
3. BLB443 Law of Insurance Compulsory 3
4. BLB444 Law of Specific Crimes Compulsory 3
5. BLB445 General Principles of Contract Compulsory 3
6. BLB446 Principles of Procedural Law Compulsory 3
7. BLB447 Agrarian Law Compulsory 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1.          BLB451 Criminal Procedure Code Compulsory 3  







2.          BLB452 Law of International Organizations Compulsory 3
3.          BLB453 Law of Corporate Management Compulsory 3
4.          BLB454 Law of Specific Contract Compulsory 3
5.          BLB455 Law of Banking Compulsory 3
6.          BLB456 Criminal Justice System Compulsory 3
    Optional area (any one) 3
1.          BLE501 International Air and Space Law 3
2.          BLE502 Juvenile Delinquency 3
3.          BLE503 Election Law 3
4.          BLE504 Cyber Law 3
5.          BLE505 Law of Health Care and Ethics 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
BLB461 Comparative Law and Major Legal System Compulsory 3  







2. BLB462 Civil Code and Procedure Compulsory 3
3. BHS463 Sociology of Law Compulsory 3
4. BLB464 Law of Corporate governance Compulsory 3
5. BLB465 Nepalese Legal System Compulsory 3
6. BLB466 Investment Law Compulsory 3
Optional area (any one)
1. BLE601 Law of Consumer Protection 3
2. BLE602 Intellectual Property Law 3
3. BLE603 Socio-Economic Crime 3
4. BLE604 International Humanitarian law 3
5. BLE605 Securities Law 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1.       BLB471 Law Poverty and Development Compulsory 3  







2.       BLB472 Gender and Inclusive Justice Compulsory 3
3.       BLB473 Environmental Law Compulsory 3
4.       BHS474 Research Methodology Compulsory 3
5.       BLB475 Labour Law Compulsory 3
6.       BLB476 Clinical Law-I ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution (arbitration, mediation, negotiation and Conciliation) Compulsory 3
Optional area (any one)
1.       BLE701 Forensic Science 3
2.       BLE702 International Refugee Law 3
3.       BLE703 Natural Resources and Conservation law 3
4.       BLE704 Natural Disaster Management Law 3
5.       BLE705 National Defense and Security Law 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1. BLB481 Professional Ethics and Lawyering Skills Compulsory 3  







2. BLB482 Moot Court (Civil Case) Compulsory 3
3. BLB483 Private International Law Compulsory 3
4. BLB484 Administrative Law Compulsory 3
5. BLB485 Clinical Law-II (Conveyancing) Compulsory 3
6. BLB486 International Trade Law Compulsory 3
Optional area (any one)
1. BLE801 Law of Sea and International Rivers 3
2. BLE802 Forensic Medicine 3
3. BLE803 Fiscal Law 3
4. BLE804 Media Law 3
5. BLE805 Law of Corporate Financing 3


S.N. Course Code Course Title Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1. BLB491 Human Rights Law Compulsory 3  






2. BLB492 Moot Court (Criminal Case) Compulsory 3
3. BLB493 Legislative Drafting Compulsory 3
4. BLB494 Taxation Law Compulsory 3
5. BLB495 Seminar Compulsory 3
Optional area (any one)
1. BLE901 Energy Law 3
2. BLE902 Victimology 3
3. BLE903 Competition Law 3
4. BLE904 International Criminal Law 3
5. BLE905 Principles of Law of Torts 3


S.N. Course Code Title of Course Nature of Course Credit Hours Total Cr.
1. BLB496 Interpretation of Statutes Compulsory 3  



2. BLB497 Social Security Law Compulsory 3
3. BLB498 Clinical Law-III (Placement) Compulsory 3
4. BLB499 Dissertation Compulsory 6

Total credit hours: 201

Total Subjects: 66                                           BHS – humanity and social science course

Compulsory area: 61                                      BLB – law course

Optional area: 5

Syllabus prepared for: 86 subjects.